Founded by an ongoing need to locate and secure a unique collection of capable buildings ready to house even more unique craft beverage businesses.


Welcome. You have landed here for one of two very important reasons. You either have a unique building you feel would be perfect for the next craft brewery, cidery, distillery, or winery and you cannot wait to obtain a tenant or you are an existing or new craft beverage business owner looking for a place to put down roots and grow your craft. Whatever your need you have come to the right place.

Craft Buildings was created for you.

Our process is simple.

First, we work to learn more about you and your specific building needs.

Second, we go to work to secure an existing building for your craft beverage business.

Third, we work closely with you to finalize a lease agreement or sale of the desired building.

Fourth, we work to provide you with leading industry contacts across the trades for the design and build out of your building.

Fifth, we stand by your side as a trusted resource for all things craft related.